Fall 2011
Letter from the Editor
Carolyn D. Roark
Feature: Teatro la Fragua and the Legacy of Jesuit Theatre
Stefano Muneroni
Feature: Salesian Theatre for Young Women in Post-World War II Italy
Daniela Cavallaro
Highlight: Interview with Reverend Billy and Savitri D.
Dan Venning
Highlight: Memory
Daniella Vinitski
Profile: Performance and Religion Working Group, International Federation for Theatre Research
Joshua Edelman
Book & Performance Reviews:
- Dierdre O’Leary—New Women Dramatists in America, 1890-1920, Sherry D. Engle
- Darin Kerr—Oberammergau in the Nazi Era: The Fate of a Catholic Village in Hitler’s Germany, Helena Waddy
- Catherine Vritis—Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology, and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, Jonathan Dollimore
- Matthew Miller—Shakespeare and the Drama of Forgiveness, Sarah Beckwith
- Fiona Coffey—Gruesome Playground Injuries, Second Stage Theatre, New York, NY/ Bengal Tiger at the Bagdhad Zoo, Richard Rogers Theatre, New York, NY
- Megan Sanborn Jones—The Book of Mormon, Eugene O’Neill Theatre, New York, NY