General Issue Spring 2013 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: “Can a fellow be a villain all his life?”: Fagin, Jewishness, and Musical Performance Marc Napolitano Feature: PsyBabas: Ritual Exoticism and Spiritual Labor in Subcultural Tourism Pavithra Prasad Highlight: The Joy of Doubt David Henry Hwang Profile: Theatre Without Borders Jacob Hellman Profile: Musekeweya,

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Faith, Politics, and Performance Fall 2012 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Editorial: The Problem of Religion and Theatre (It’s Not What You Think) Peter Civetta, Guest Editor Feature: “Holier than Thou:” Religion as Teaching Tool in the Rhetoric of Secularism, and the Case of Osama bin Laden’s Burial at Sea Claire Maria Chambers Feature: Fully Jewish

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Spring 2012 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: Trans(Per)forming Abjection: St. Simeon Stylites William Conte Feature: “To Inflict Impossible Pain”: the Binding of Isaac, Divinity, and Kierkegaard in Howard Barker’s Rome John H. Baker Highlight: Interview with Scott Langdon W. Barrett HuddlestonHighlight: Interview with Hal Holbrook William SteeleProfile: Who’s Hungry Santa Monica Susan Simpson Profile: Religion and Performance

Ecumenica 4.2
Fall 2011 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: Teatro la Fragua and the Legacy of Jesuit Theatre Stefano Muneroni Feature: Salesian Theatre for Young Women in Post-World War II Italy Daniela Cavallaro Highlight: Interview with Reverend Billy and Savitri D. Dan Venning Highlight: Memory Daniella Vinitski Profile: Performance and Religion Working Group, International Federation for

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Great Stage of the World, Roman Catholic Life and Performance Spring 2011 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Editorial: The Church, The “Anti-Church,” and Singing, Dancing Nuns Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr., Guest Editor Feature: A Public of One: Jesuit Discipline in the Theatre in the World Will Daddario Abstract: This essay aims to see through the

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Fall 2010 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: Incorporation of the Incar(nation): Dorothy L. Sayers’s The Man Born to be King Bethany Wood Abstract:This article examines Dorothy L. Sayers’s World War II radio drama The Man Born to be King (1941), broadcast by the BBC, which contained the first explicit representation of Christ in a modern

Ecumenica 3.1
Spring 2010 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: Romanization, Rebellion, and the Theatre of Ancient Palestine Miriam Kammer Abstract: Because so little is known about theatre in ancient Palestine, the subject offers scholars an attractive enigma. On the one hand, Roman theatres—along with aqueducts and the control and use of local building resources by

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Fall 2009 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Editorial: The “Don’t” Factor: Faith and Repressive Sexual Ethics John Fletcher, Guest Editor Highlight: Love in the Time of Derrida Henry Bial Feature: Demanding the Divine: Terrence McNally’s Gay Passion Play CORPUS CHRISTI Thomas Fish Feature: Goddess-Men: Nationalism, Brahminism and Female Impersonation in Indian Religious Theatre Patrick Murphree This article

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Spring 2009 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Feature: A Playwright of Pragmatism: Susan Glaspell’s Unity of Science and Religion Michael Winetsky This article argues that a common theme unites Susan Glaspell’s plays Inheritors and The Verge. In Inheritors Glaspell addresses the significant spiritual challenge of Darwinian evolution, suggesting that theories of evolution contain a seed of aspiration that

Ecumenica 1.2
Performing Islam/Muslim Realities” Fall 2008 Letter from the Editor Carolyn D. Roark Editorial: Against Cropped Truths Marvin Carlson & Hazem Azmy Feature: Global Consciousness and Cosmopolitanism in Lina Saneh’s Appendice Eyad Houssami Abstract: Lina Saneh, a theatre and performance artist based in Beirut, reflects in her playAppendice on the relationship between the citizen’s body and the body politic. In